Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Apprenticeship Of Duddy KravitzThe Tragic Fall Of Duddy Essay Example For Students
The Apprenticeship Of Duddy KravitzThe Tragic Fall Of Duddy Essay The Apprenticeship of Duddy KravitzThe Tragic Fall of DuddyA man must pursue his dreams. This is certainly true for everyone of the humankind, for if there were no dreams, there would be no reason to live. Duddy Kravitz understands this perfectly, that is why he is one of the most ambitious young men of his time. From the moment he hears his grandfather says, A man without land is nobody, he is prepared to seek the land of his dream no matter what the cost would be. This ambition of his is very respectable, but unfortunately his methods are damnable. Duddy is a relentless pursuer; a formidable competitor and also a ruthless manipulator. It is true that he has obtained all the land that he desires at the end, but he succeeds through immoral, despicable and contemptible means. It is clear then, that Duddy has failed in his apprenticeship and has become the scheming little bastard that Uncle Benjy has warned him against.There is no doubt that Duddy is very shrewd and clever, but his la ck of moral principles attributes to his final failure. In fact, his immorality can be traced back to a very young age. During his study in the parochial school, he already earns money through methods that hardly comply to virtues of any kind. Taking advantage of the fact that minors cannot be sued in Canada, Duddy defrauds stamp companies and sells stolen hockey sticks. Perhaps he cannot distinguish right from wrong; perhaps he does not care, but nonetheless it is not proper for him to engage himself into these kinds of activities.Duddy emerges himself deeper into the sea of corruption when he establishes Dudley Kane Enterprises. With his limited knowledge of movie making and his mistaken trust in John Friar, his firm produces bar-mitzvah films of extremely poor quality. The bar-mitzvah film for Mr. Cohen, for example, is obviously a failing product. Duddy didnt say a word all through the screening but afterwards he was sick to his stomach.After the screening, Duddy says to Mr. Fri ar, I could sell Mr. Cohen a dead horse easier than this pile of .However, realizing the obvious faultiness of the film, Duddy does not talk candidly to his client. Instead, he untruthfully says that the film is a phenomenal piece of art and that he is entering it into the Cannes Festival. By doing so, he deceives the Cohen family into buying the defective bar-mitzvah film of Bernie.As a matter of fact, Kravitz is not only skillful in handling situations, but he is also very apt in manipulating people. This can be clearly seen in his relationships with Virgil and Yvette.Duddy is never loved in his family, so originally Duddy is quite content to know that there is someone who cares about him Yvette. He finds great comradeship in her and has also enjoyed great sex with her. But as time passes by, Yvette becomes only a tool to him. He uses her as a medium through which he can buy the land that he lusts for; because he is a minor and he cannot legally own land. The farmers would be war y of a young Jew, they might jack up prices or even refuse to sell, but another French-Canadian would not be suspect.Duddy also treats her as a sexual toy. He makes love with Yvette whenever he wants it, but he does not take Yvettes feelings into consideration: Yvette wanted to wait, but Duddy insisted, and they made love on the carpet.He never pays any respect to Yvette and he does not know how to treat a woman.With Virgil, Duddy takes advantage of his physical disabilities. After selling the pinball machines that Virgil brought him to ease his financial troubles, Duddy does not want to repay Virgil. Using the fact that Virgil is an epileptic and that it is very difficult for him to be hired, Duddy employs him as a driver. But Duddy tells him that a truck would be necessary for the task, and that he can provide Virgil with the perfect vehicle for one thousand dollars the exact amount that he owes Virgil. Virgil is innocent enough not to know what is happening. He is also very grat eful and flattered to know that Mr. Kravitz is willing to hire him. He accepts the job immediately, and thus, Duddy does not need to reimburse Virgil. It is quite ironic that Duddy, being such a good manipulator of people, is later being used by his Bohemian friends when they come to his apartment every night to party, eat and drink all to Duddys expense.After Duddy has engaged himself into all kinds of deceitful activities, he bankrupts and is on the verge of a mental breakdown. At that point, Uncle Benjys letter reveals to Duddy that he must make a very serious decision: Theres more to you than mere money-lust, Duddy, but Im afraid for you. Youre two people, thats why. The scheming little bastard I saw so easily and the fine, intelligent boy underneath that your grand father, bless him, saw. But youre coming of age soon and youll have to choose. A boy can be two, three, four potential people, but a man is only one. He murders the others.Duddy must now choose to the way that he wi ll live on for the rest of his life. He may continue on to live the way that he has always lived and be a complete amoral criminal, or he can abandon his money-lusting and become a fine shrewd gentleman. The time has come for him to choose what is to become of himself. But at this point, Duddy performs the most dirty, sickening and contemptible act in his apprenticeship. He forges Virgils cheque in order to buy the final parcel of land: Duddy took a quick look at Virgils bank balance, whistled, noted his account number and ripped out two cheques. He forged the signature by holding the cheque and a letter Virgil had signed up to the window and tracing slowly.This is a clear indication that Duddy has chosen to become the inconsiderate scheming little bastard. He has murdered all the other good possibilities of himself.Duddy has obviously chosen the wrong kind of man to be. He has chosen to become a crooked person, a corrupted chap, and a ruthless man. Undoubtedly, Duddy is a very keen and intuitive young man. He can calmly and gracefully settle Lennies problems with Mr. Calder. He can also tactfully and intelligently get Aunt Ida going back to Montreal to see the dying Uncle Benjy. Duddy has all the qualities that is needed for him to succeed in society it is only a matter of time. Unfortunately, Duddy chooses the wrong path at a young age and continues on with that path to his adulthood. He ends up to be a terrible failure. Perhaps his lack of discipline from his early years is one of the most important attributes to his tragic fall in The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz. .u68fcedadf638326f877b2f42835d46c1 , .u68fcedadf638326f877b2f42835d46c1 .postImageUrl , .u68fcedadf638326f877b2f42835d46c1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u68fcedadf638326f877b2f42835d46c1 , .u68fcedadf638326f877b2f42835d46c1:hover , .u68fcedadf638326f877b2f42835d46c1:visited , .u68fcedadf638326f877b2f42835d46c1:active { border:0!important; } .u68fcedadf638326f877b2f42835d46c1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u68fcedadf638326f877b2f42835d46c1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u68fcedadf638326f877b2f42835d46c1:active , .u68fcedadf638326f877b2f42835d46c1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u68fcedadf638326f877b2f42835d46c1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u68fcedadf638326f877b2f42835d46c1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u68fcedadf638326f877b2f42835d46c1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u68fcedadf638326f877b2f42835d46c1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u68fcedadf638326f877b2f42835d46c1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u68fcedadf638326f877b2f42835d46c1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u68fcedadf638326f877b2f42835d46c1 .u68fcedadf638326f877b2f42835d46c1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u68fcedadf638326f877b2f42835d46c1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: hipaa violations Essay We will write a custom essay on The Apprenticeship Of Duddy KravitzThe Tragic Fall Of Duddy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Three Whys of the Russian Revolution Essay Example
Three Whys of the Russian Revolution Essay Example Three Whys of the Russian Revolution Paper Three Whys of the Russian Revolution Paper Three ââ¬Å"Whysâ⬠of the Russian Revolution Why did Tsarism fall according to Pipes? Firstly, as to answering the question Why did Tsarism fall? , unlike revisionists, Pipes argues that the fall of Tsarism was not preordained, there is no specific explanation or reason by itself to answer this question. Pipes uses the example of an apple tree(pg. 9); ââ¬Å"When you shake an apple tree and apples come cascading down, what ââ¬Å"causesâ⬠them to fall? Is it the shaking of the tree? Is it the ripeness of the fruit which would have made them fall down, sooner or later, anyway? In dealing with human events, we find similar levels of explanation, from the most specific to the most general,and it is next to impossible to ascertain which of them determines the outcome. In other words it can state that Tsarism collapsed because it was meant to fall, or because it was falling already, or the actions that made it fall. It starts of by stating how people believed Tsarism would last a long time, and even mention that not even Lenin predicted the fall of Tsardom (pg. 12). One of the strong reasons Pipes disagrees with the historians who believe that the revolution was inevitable. Pipes said one another reason would be, that the intellectuals were the ones who told the government the complains of the people. Therefore when they did it, they would appeal for a change in the governmental system. While the peasants just wanted immediate changes for their own interest. An example that occurred was Bloody Sunday, which not only workers put the intellectuals create a petition, and cause the first Russian Revolution. Another major factor that contributed to the end of the Tsardom was the lack of feudalism, all of the power in the country concentrated mainly in the ââ¬Å"handsâ⬠and on the crown of the tzar. Like pipes explains with his philosophical metaphor the Russian state at the time was just like a bunch of wires together and as soon as one of them would split the whole the thing would crumble down and fall apart. That is what happened to Russia. Also because the tsar was an autocrat most of the time didnt have much to say as it shows in (pg. 17) ââ¬Å"the population was a mere object of state authority. One of the strongest factor, according to Pipes, it was especially political issues, Intelligentsia was the strong reason for the all of Tsardom, because they took the advantage from the governments weakness to advance to get what they wanted and have more demands. Concluding some extra example would be that in the Russia village could ââ¬Å"not find enough land to employ all those living in itâ⬠and resulted them to be in an ââ¬Å"explosive moodâ⬠, because of the problem with lack of land. What is Pipes central thesis? The central thesis is clearly stated on page 8 ; ââ¬Å"my thesis is precisely the opposite to that advanced bu the revisionists, which by now is virtually obligatory in Western universities. I shall argue that there was nothing preordained about either the fall of tsarism or the Bolshevik power, seizure. In fact, I feel that the latter was something of a fluke, but that, once it occurred and the totalitarian machine was in place, then the rise of Stalin became virtually a foregone conclusion. â⬠In other words in a sentence conclusion, the revolution wasnt predictable at all. Where does Pipes fit on the political spectrum? I believe Pipes is a Right wing conservative to a moderate extent. As a reader I have noticed this for two specific reasons. He far from agrees with the thesis stated but the revisionists and the soviet union. Pipes make it look as if the scholars and intellectuals of Russia have been brainwashed to a certain extent where they actually come to believe that bolshevik revolution was a genuine result that forced itself to an accomplishment. He also makes it clear that anti communism is should not be mistaken as something that holds traces of fascism or even the most radical social national. Richard Pipes is definitely not a marxist which gives as more clue for him to be a right wing. Pipes firmly states that it was somehow a matter of chance and fate combined that led the bolsheviks to actually take over that day in october, and he argues that it was one event in particular the night right before that contributed to the final result: communism. He argues that if Lenin wouldnt have faked drunk to get passed the police that actually attempted to stop him probably Tsardom wouldnt have met its demise, but it did. This is exactly the opposite of what brainwashed revisionists believe.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Project Management Review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Project Management Review - Assignment Example This structure helps in creating a framework and provides guidance in terms of schedule development and control. The process of defining the project consists of five steps 1. Defining the project scope: - A project scope is the end result of the project, i.e. a product or service for the client or customer. The scope clearly explains the measurable and tangible result delivered to the end user. 2. Establishing project priorities: - The second step is to establish the project priorities, which determines the shifts in the comparative importance of criterions connected to cost, time, and performance parameters. This also helps in managing the priorities of project trade-offs and in formulating the parameter requirements. 3. The third step involved in defining a project is to create the Work Breakdown Structure. A work breakdown structure is the hierarchal sketch that categorizes the products and work elements engaged in a project. 4. Integration of Work Breakdown Structure with the Org anization is the fourth step of defining a project. The ability of the firm to discharge its work responsibility towards a project is determined at this stage. This is where WBS and the OBS (Organizational Breakdown structure) are integrated. 5. The final stage of the process is coding the Work Breakdown Structure for the information System. At this stage, a range of essentials of the WBS are identified and defined. Reports on the organizational fundamentals, work package, budget and cost are consolidated at all levels of the organizational structure. Lag and Slack According to Francis and Horine (2003), in a series of linked tasks, lag means the ââ¬Ëdelayââ¬â¢ between the linked tasks; and it is necessary to use lag in a network as it is essential for the smooth progress of tasks (p. 80). The lag can be described as a ââ¬Ëplanned delayââ¬â¢. On the other hand, slack explains the extent of time that a task can be belated without affecting its successor tasks. As Chapman (2006, p. 9.22), Gantt chart is prepared to break a large project into a sequence of smaller tasks in an organized way. This chart describes when each task should start and how long it would take. On the other hand, a network diagram is a tool used for demonstrating how the impacts of a project are related and what the consequences of the impact are. Diagrams summarize a large portion of the project body as it is represented as graphical representation. Backward pass: A backward pass is a device used in the project management. It refers to the estimation of late start dates and late finish dates regarding the section of activities that have not been completed. This is calculated using by referring back through the schedule network from the end date of project segment. The end date may be determined by the client or by the supervisor using the forward pass. A backward pass determines the late start date and late finish dates. Scope statement: The project is on arranging a dinner-danc e concert for a local charity. It is going to take place in a four weeksââ¬â¢ time. This concert is reserved specially for 30 couples and the amount collected at this concert goes directly to the needy segment of the local society. The first step involved in the project is to create work breakdown statement of the project scope. The different elements of the project are to be distinguished at first hand. It is easier to understand the different
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