Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Juvenile Crime Statistics Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Juvenile Crime Statistics Paper - Essay Example This figure was significantly less than the one recorded in previous years. There was an increase in juvenile crimes in 2005, 2006, and 2007, which made the law enforcers fear that the nation would witness a severe crime wave. The crime data collected in 2008 indicated that violent crimes had declined and young adults were being involved in simple assaults and drug offenses. According to Puzzanchera, (2009), most juveniles were being arrested for commission of crimes such as larceny, simple and aggravated assault. Minor crimes that were committed by juveniles during 2008 were property crimes. In relation to this, the FBI assesses trends in property crimes by monitoring offences such as theft of motor vehicle, larceny and burglary. These crimes increased during 2007-2008. According to Puzzanchera (2009), the number of juvenile female who were involved in the commission of crimes increased in 2008. Law enforcers were able to arrest over 600,000 females who were below the age of 18. During this year, females were arrested for robbery, simple assault, larceny and disorderly conduct. Moreover, during 2008, more female juveniles were arrested for commission of larceny whereas there was a decline in the number of males committing larceny. Puzzanchera (2009) indicates that minorities were highly involved in the commission of the aforementioned crimes. In all cases in which juveniles were arrested for the commission of violent crimes, half of the crimes involved black youth, 1% involved youth of Asian origin, 47% involved white juveniles and 1% involved youth of American Indian origin. In the commission of property crimes, two thirds of the arrested juveniles were white, while the rest were blacks with an insignificant number of Asian and Indian youth. In general, youths of black origin where represented in all instances of juvenile arrests. In 2008,

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Answer quiestuions About E-Commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Answer quiestuions About E-Commerce - Essay Example In addition, the model allows the consumer to access a variety of goods and services like news, email services, music downloads and many more. The model is classified into three. First, the virtual merchant is a retail store that provides the customer an opportunity to shop online at any time. Second, Click and Bricks represent an online alternative channel for distributing goods of a physically existing company (Manzoor, 2010). Catalog merchant represents an online form of a catalog conveyed directly through the mail. Represent a business model that provides news and entertainment to customers. They include sports sites, newspapers, and all the other sites that provide information to customers. The revenue models used include Affiliate, subscription, and advertising. In Business-to-Business E-commerce, the businessmen make significant sales to their fellow businesspersons. The type is larger than Business-to-Consumer (B2C) E-commerce when measured in monetary terms (Manzoor, 2010). The companies buy a bigger volume of goods compared to individuals. They have enormous monetary resources and the products are mainly meant for resale. Represent a situation where a firm develops an online digital market where buyers and sellers trade with indirect inputs. The intermediary charges a fee for creating a forum where the buyer and the seller meet. An e-commerce allows consumers to trade with one another directly. An intermediary facilitates the online transactions by creating a platform where the consumer can make trade exchanges. The consumer relies on the services of the intermediary to make the sale (Manzoor, 2010). The consumer has the responsibility to make the product ready for sale. The intermediary facilitate the sale of the product by providing a search engine, display, and the method that the product would be paid. The website has very attractive photos of the product that lure the customer to make a purchase. Second, it